Download Pearson Flagship (9 Levels) Pdf Audio Video ActiveTeach 2017

Download Pearson Flagship (9 Levels) Pdf Audio Video ActiveTeach 2017

Flagship 1
Flagship 2
Flagship 3
Flagship 4
Flagship 5
Flagship 6
Flagship 7
Flagship 8
Flagship 9

Level 1
Flagship 1
Flagship 1 Student’s Book.pdf
Flagship 1 Teacher’s Book &
Flagship 1

Level 2
Flagship 2 Student’s Book.pdf
Flagship 2 Teacher’s Book &
Flagship 2

Level 3
Flagship 3
Flagship 3 Student’s Book.pdf
Flagship 3 Teacher’s Book &
Flagship 3

Level 4
Flagship 4
Flagship 4 Student’s Book.pdf
Flagship 4 Teacher’s Book &
Flagship 4

Level 5
Flagship 5
Flagship 5 Student’s Book.pdf
Flagship 5 Teacher’s Book &

Level 6
Flagship 6
Flagship 6 Student’s Book.pdf
Flagship 6 Teacher’s Book &
Flagship 6

Level 7
Flagship 7
Flagship 7 Student’s Book.pdf
Flagship 7 Teacher’s Book &
Flagship 7

Level 8
Flagship 8
Flagship 8 Student’s Book.pdf
Flagship 8 Teacher’s Book &
Flagship 8

Level 9
Flagship 9
Flagship 9 Student’s Book.pdf
Flagship 9 Teacher’s Book &
Flagship 9

Download Pearson Flagship (9 Levels) Pdf Audio Video ActiveTeach 2017


Flagship ActiveTeach Demo (Offline iTools)


Get Flagship Active Teach (windows): $10 for one level;  $50 for all 9 levels

Get Flagship (Pdf, Resources): $5 for one level; $30 for all 9 levels

Get Flagship (Active Teach, Pdf, Resources): $65 for all 9 levels

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      ✅ Sample pdf file Flagship 1 Student’s Book.pdf: Click here
      ✅ Sample pdf file Flagship 2 Student’s Book.pdf: Click here
      ✅ Sample pdf file Flagship 3 Student’s Book.pdf: Click here
      ✅ Sample pdf file Flagship 4 Student’s Book.pdf: Click here
      ✅ Sample pdf file Flagship 5 Student’s Book.pdf: Click here
      ✅ Sample pdf file Flagship 6 Student’s Book.pdf: Click here
      ✅ Sample pdf file Flagship 7 Student’s Book.pdf: Click here
      ✅ Sample pdf file Flagship 8 Student’s Book.pdf: Click here
      ✅ Sample pdf file Flagship 9 Student’s Book.pdf: Click here

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      Download Pearson Flagship (9 Levels) Pdf Audio Video ActiveTeach 2017

      Download Pearson Flagship (9 Levels) Pdf Audio Video ActiveTeach 2017


      Overview of the “Flagship”

      ✅ Coursebook: Flagship
      ✅ Publisher: Pearson
      ✅ For: Adult, Secondary, Higher Education
      ✅ 9 Levels: Pre A1, A1, A2, B1, B2, B2+
      ✅ Publication year: 2017

      Flagship” by Pearson is a comprehensive nine-level series designed to cultivate successful English users through structured written and oral practice. This series is tailored to meet the needs of a diverse range of learners, from true beginners to intermediate students. It’s suitable for both adults and young adults, providing a robust framework for English language learning and teaching.

      Structure of the Series

      Three Levels for True Beginners: These levels are crafted for learners with no prior knowledge of English, focusing on foundational language skills.

      Two Levels for False Beginners: Aimed at learners who have some basic understanding of English but need to strengthen their foundational skills.

      Four Levels for Intermediate Learners: These levels are designed for learners who have a basic command of English and are ready to advance their skills further.

      Key Components for Learners

      Student’s Book with MyEnglishLab Access Code: Provides a comprehensive learning experience, integrating the traditional textbook approach with innovative online learning via MyEnglishLab.

      Student Book with Workbook: A combination of textbook learning and workbook exercises, offering extensive practice and reinforcement of concepts learned.

      MyEnglishLab: A Core Feature

      Personalized Online Learning Platform: Offers tailored practice with immediate feedback on errors, enabling students to understand and correct their mistakes effectively.

      Grammar Coach and Pronunciation Coach Videos: These tools offer additional support and clarity on key language aspects, enhancing the learning experience.

      Flagship 1 Student's Book

      Flagship 1 Student’s Book

      For Teachers

      Teacher’s Book with Lesson Planner: Offers guidance and structured lesson plans, easing the preparation process for educators.

      Class Audio Program: An essential tool for improving listening skills and pronunciation.

      Active Teach: An interactive digital resource that supplements classroom teaching.

      Assessment Tools: Includes online assessments through MyEnglishLab and printable assessments from Active Teach, providing flexible options for evaluating student progress.

      Benefits for Learners

      Exposure to New Language: Each level introduces new language concepts while recycling previous knowledge, ensuring a comprehensive build-up of language skills.

      Opportunities for Practice: The series emphasizes both written and oral practice, catering to different learning styles and needs.


      “Flagship” is a versatile and well-rounded series for English language learning. It successfully blends traditional and digital learning methods, catering to the modern needs of both students and teachers. With its structured levels and comprehensive resources, “Flagship” stands as an effective solution for developing and enhancing English language proficiency in adult and young adult learners.


      Flagship 2 Student's Book

      Flagship 2 Student’s Book


      Who is suitable for ‘Flagship’?

      “Flagship,” with its nine-level series, is designed to cater to a wide range of learners with varying levels of English proficiency, making it suitable for:

      True Beginners: The first three levels of the series are tailored for individuals with no prior knowledge of English. These levels focus on establishing a strong foundation in basic language skills.

      False Beginners: The next two levels are for those who have some basic understanding of English but need to strengthen their foundational skills. This includes learners who may have been exposed to English previously but have not achieved fluency or a solid grasp of the basics.

      Intermediate Learners: The final four levels are designed for learners who already have a basic command of English and are ready to advance their language skills further. These levels focus on more complex language structures and vocabulary.

      Adult and Young Adult Learners: “Flagship” is suitable for both adults and young adults, making it a versatile option for high school students, college students, professionals, and any adults looking to improve their English proficiency.

      Flagship 3 Student's Book

      Flagship 3 Student’s Book


      Self-Study Learners: With resources like MyEnglishLab, which offers personalized online practice, the series is ideal for learners who prefer self-study. The online platform provides feedback and tools like Grammar Coach and Pronunciation Coach videos, supporting autonomous learning.

      Classroom Settings: The series is also well-suited for use in classroom settings, given its comprehensive teacher resources, including the Teacher’s Book with Lesson Planner, Class Audio Program, Active Teach, and various assessment tools.

      Learners Preparing for Exams: For students preparing for English proficiency exams, “Flagship” offers a structured approach to language learning that covers a broad spectrum of skills necessary for these exams.

      English Language Teachers: Educators teaching English to adults and young adults will find the series beneficial due to its structured levels and comprehensive teaching materials.

      In summary, “Flagship” is suitable for a diverse group of learners ranging from true beginners to intermediate level, encompassing both self-learners and those in classroom environments, and including both adult and young adult learners. Its comprehensive approach and flexible tools make it an effective series for a wide audience looking to enhance their English language proficiency.


      Flagship 4 Student's Book

      Flagship 4 Student’s Book


      The benefits of ‘Flagship’

      “Flagship,” with its comprehensive nine-level series, offers several key benefits for learners of English. These advantages make it a valuable resource for a wide range of learners:

      Structured Learning Path: The series provides a clearly defined learning path from true beginner to intermediate levels, allowing learners to progress systematically and build upon their skills as they advance through each level.

      Balanced Skill Development: “Flagship” emphasizes the development of all key language skills – listening, speaking, reading, and writing. This balanced approach ensures that learners become well-rounded in their language abilities.

      MyEnglishLab for Personalized Learning: The online learning platform, MyEnglishLab, offers personalized practice, enabling learners to focus on areas where they need improvement. This tailored approach enhances the effectiveness of language learning.

      Immediate Feedback and Support: With features like feedback on errors and Grammar Coach and Pronunciation Coach videos, learners receive immediate support and guidance, which is crucial for effective learning and correction of mistakes.

      Flagship 5 Student's Book

      Flagship 5 Student’s Book


      Flexibility for Learners and Teachers: The series is designed to be flexible, catering to both self-study learners and classroom settings. Teachers also benefit from comprehensive teaching resources, making lesson planning and execution more efficient.

      Engagement and Interactivity: The use of interactive digital tools and engaging content keeps learners motivated and involved in their language learning process.

      Cultural and Real-World Relevance: The content in “Flagship” often includes cultural references and real-world scenarios, enhancing the practicality and relevance of the language skills being taught.

      Suitable for Adult and Young Adult Learners: The series is tailored to meet the needs of both adult and young adult learners, making it versatile for a wide audience.

      Preparation for Proficiency Tests: For learners aiming to take English proficiency tests, “Flagship” provides a solid foundation and thorough preparation in terms of language skills and test-taking strategies.

      Recycling of Language Concepts: The series focuses on introducing new language concepts while recycling previous knowledge, ensuring a comprehensive understanding and retention of material.

      In summary, “Flagship” offers a well-rounded, structured, and interactive approach to English language learning. It is beneficial for a broad spectrum of learners due to its balanced skill development, personalized learning options, and practical content.


      Flagship 6 Student's Book

      Flagship 6 Student’s Book


      Effective teaching and learning strategies for ‘Flagship’

      To maximize the effectiveness of teaching and learning with the “Flagship” series, it’s important to employ strategies that cater to its structured approach and diverse learning levels. Here are some effective strategies:

      Leverage MyEnglishLab: Utilize the MyEnglishLab platform for personalized learning. Encourage students to complete online exercises for immediate feedback, and use the Grammar and Pronunciation Coach videos to reinforce learning.

      Balanced Skill Development: Ensure that all four language skills – listening, speaking, reading, and writing – are equally emphasized in your teaching. Incorporate a variety of activities that cater to each of these areas.

      Interactive and Engaging Lessons: Use the Active Teach resources to create interactive lessons. Engage students with multimedia content and interactive exercises to maintain their interest and motivation.

      Structured Progression: Follow the structured progression of the series. Regularly assess students’ understanding before moving to more advanced concepts, ensuring they have a solid grasp of the material.

      Flagship 7 Student's Book

      Flagship 7 Student’s Book


      Incorporate Real-World Scenarios: Use real-world contexts and situations in teaching to make lessons more relevant and practical. This approach helps students understand how they can apply their language skills outside the classroom.

      Encourage Regular Practice: Stress the importance of regular practice, both in class and as homework. Consistent practice is key to language acquisition and retention.

      Use of Audio-Visual Materials: Utilize the Class Audio Program for improving listening skills and pronunciation. Audio-visual materials can greatly enhance language learning, especially for auditory learners.

      Group Work and Collaboration: Promote collaborative learning through group activities. This can include discussions, role-playing, and group projects, which encourage communication and teamwork.

      Personalized Feedback: Provide personalized feedback based on students’ performance in MyEnglishLab and classroom activities. Tailored feedback helps address individual learning needs.

      Encourage Self-Assessment: Motivate students to assess their own progress. Self-assessment tools available in MyEnglishLab can help learners understand their strengths and areas for improvement.

      Cultural Learning: Integrate cultural aspects associated with the English language to give learners a broader context, enhancing their understanding and appreciation of the language.

      Preparation for English Exams: For students preparing for English proficiency exams, incorporate exam-style questions and exercises to familiarize them with the test format and requirements.

      By employing these strategies, both teachers and learners can effectively navigate through the “Flagship” series. The combination of structured learning, interactive resources, and personalized feedback makes it a powerful tool in achieving English language proficiency.


      Flagship 8 Student's Book

      Flagship 8 Student’s Book


      From Beginner to Advanced: Navigating ‘Flagship’ for English Excellence

      Embarking on the journey of learning a new language can be both exhilarating and challenging. “Flagship,” a comprehensive nine-level series by Pearson, offers a structured and effective pathway to achieving English language excellence. This series is uniquely designed to cater to learners ranging from absolute beginners to those advancing towards higher proficiency levels.

      A Guided Journey in English Learning

      “Flagship” stands out with its systematic approach to language learning. It breaks down the daunting process into manageable stages, guiding learners through three levels for true beginners, two for false beginners, and four levels for intermediate students. This structure ensures a smooth transition as learners build their skills step by step.

      Tailored Learning for Diverse Needs

      What makes “Flagship” particularly effective is its tailored approach to different learner types. Whether you’re starting from scratch or looking to refine your language skills, the series offers a level that aligns with your current proficiency. This customization ensures that every learner finds their place in the journey towards English mastery.

      MyEnglishLab: A Digital Companion

      A standout feature of “Flagship” is MyEnglishLab, an innovative online platform that complements the learning experience. It offers personalized practice, immediate feedback on errors, and access to Grammar Coach and Pronunciation Coach videos. This digital companion enhances the learning experience, allowing learners to practice and improve their skills efficiently and interactively.

      Flagship 9 Student's Book

      Flagship 9 Student’s Book


      Comprehensive Resources for All

      “Flagship” extends its resources beyond students to include comprehensive support for teachers. The Teacher’s Book with Lesson Planner, Class Audio Program, Active Teach, and various assessment tools empower educators to deliver effective and engaging lessons. These resources are crucial for creating a dynamic and interactive learning environment.

      Benefits for Learners

      Learners embarking on “Flagship” will experience a range of benefits. The series enhances all key language skills – listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Additionally, the exposure to new language concepts and the opportunity to recycle both previous and new knowledge ensures a deep and lasting understanding of English.

      For the Modern Learner

      In today’s digital age, the integration of traditional learning methods with advanced online tools makes “Flagship” an ideal choice for the modern learner. The blend of textbook learning with digital interactivity caters to diverse learning styles and preferences.


      “From Beginner to Advanced: Navigating ‘Flagship’ for English Excellence” is not just about learning a language; it’s about embarking on a journey of personal and professional growth. “Flagship” provides the roadmap, resources, and support to guide learners towards achieving their language goals. Whether for academic advancement, professional development, or personal enrichment, “Flagship” stands as a beacon for those seeking to master the English language.


      Comprehensive English Language Learning Series: Top Alternatives to Pearson’s Flagship for Enhancing English Proficiency

      For learners seeking alternatives to the “Flagship” series by Pearson, which is designed to provide comprehensive English language education, several educational series offer similar thorough approaches to language learning. These alternatives focus on enhancing English proficiency through structured instruction and engaging content suitable for learners at various levels. Here are notable series that provide effective instruction, engaging content, and comprehensive skill development:

      Interchange” by Cambridge University Press: A well-established series known for its communicative approach, offering a strong curriculum that helps students develop language skills through practical communication exercises and thematic content.

      Headway” by Oxford University Press: Combines a strong grammar focus with balanced skills training, providing learners with a comprehensive language learning experience that improves fluency and understanding across all language areas.

      English File” by Oxford University Press: Known for its unique blend of grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation practice, English File helps students achieve natural, communicative competence in English through engaging lessons and practical exercises.

      Market Leader” by Pearson Education: Ideal for more advanced or adult learners, especially those interested in professional English, this series combines language learning with business contexts, offering industry-specific vocabulary and authentic texts.

      “Total English” by Pearson Education: A series that provides clear and systematic language development along with plenty of practice to build students’ confidence and skills in English.

      Four Corners” by Cambridge University Press: A four-level English course designed for adults and young adults, helping them achieve an understanding and practical use of English through varied communicative activities.

      Life” by National Geographic Learning: Integrates English learning with stunning photography and stories from National Geographic, making lessons engaging and effective with a focus on real-world content and critical thinking.

      Speakout” by Pearson Education: Features authentic content from the BBC to help students gain practical English skills, with a strong focus on contemporary communication skills across speaking, listening, reading, and writing.

      “Global” by Macmillan Education: Aimed at adult learners, this series provides a comprehensive language learning experience that incorporates global themes and contemporary communication strategies, making it ideal for students looking to develop their English in a global context.

      American English File” by Oxford University Press: A comprehensive series that uses a communicative methodology to help students learn English by balancing grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, and skills in every lesson, enriched with online practice.

      “Opportunities” by Pearson Education: A multi-level course for teenagers and adults that combines language study with real-life skills, focusing on practical language that students can use right away.

      Cutting Edge” by Pearson Education: Combines a communicative approach with a task-based learning system, featuring contemporary topics and strong grammar and vocabulary support designed to boost communication skills effectively.

      Outcomes” by National Geographic Learning: A communicative course that includes real-world content and clear, achievable outcomes to help learners of English to communicate effectively and to develop the language skills needed to navigate social and professional situations.

      Empower” by Cambridge University Press: A general adult course that combines course content from Cambridge University Press with validated assessment from the experts at Cambridge English Language Assessment.

      “Business Benchmark” by Cambridge University Press: Helps students get ahead with their business English vocabulary and skills and prepares them for the BEC exams, focusing on business topics and practical skills.

      Objective” series by Cambridge University Press: A multi-level series that combines engaging, up-to-date topics with a clear focus on grammar and vocabulary. This series balances thorough language learning with practical skills, making it suitable for students aiming for success at all levels.

      These alternatives not only focus on improving general English proficiency but also cater to specific needs such as academic preparation, professional development, or everyday communication. Whether through direct language practice, the integration of multimedia resources, or structured curriculum, these series provide robust support for learners aiming to enhance their English language skills comprehensively.


      ELT Ebooks by Pearson